İngiliz yükseköğretim dergisi Times Higher Education, “Gelecekte Harvard, Oxford, Yale gibi asırlık üniversitelere rakip olacak” genç üniversiteleri sıralıyor. Listeye 2015’te Türkiye’den 3 üniversite girdi...
1- École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne İSVİÇRE
2 Pohang University of Science and Technology (Postech) GÜNEY KORE
3- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) GÜNEY KORE
4 -Hong Kong University of Science and Technology HONG KONG
6- Maastricht University HOLLANDA
7- University of California, Irvine ABD
8- University of California, Santa Cruz ABD
9- University of Warwick İNGİLTERE
10- Paris-Sud University FRANSA
11- Pierre and Marie Curie University FRANSA
12- Pompeu Fabra University İSPANYA
13- Sabancı Üniversitesi - İlk kez listede TÜRKİYE
14- City University of Hong Kong HONG KONG
15- Ulm University ALMANYA
16- The University of Texas at Dallas ABD
17- Paris Diderot University - Paris 7 FRANSA
18- University of Illinois at Chicago İNGİLTERE
19- University of Dundee ALMANYA
19- University of Konstanz ALMANYA
21- University of Technology, Sydney AVUSTRALYA
22- University of Calgary KANADA
23- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University HONG KONG
24- University of Milan-Bicocca İTALYA
25- Brunel University London İNGİLTERE
26- University of Bremen ALMANYA
27- Simon Fraser University KANADA
28- Bilkent Üniversitesi TÜRKİYE
29- Autonomous University of Barcelona İSPANYA
30- The University of Newcastle AVUSTRALYA
31- Lappeenranta University of Technology FİNLANDİYA
31- University of Wollongong AVUSTRALYA
33- Queensland University of Technology AVUSTRALYA
34- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences İSVEÇ
35- University of South Australia AVUSTRALYA
36- Montpellier University FRANSA
37- Medical University of Vienna AVUSTURYA
37- Plymouth University İNGİLTERE
39- University of Macau MAKAO
40- Sharif University of Technology İRAN
41- National Taiwan University of Science and Technology TAYVAN
42- State University of Campinas BREZİLYA
42- University of Bath İNGİLTERE
44- University of Southern Denmark DANİMARKA
45-Deakin University AVUSTRALYA
46- Autonomous University of Madrid İSPANYA
47- University of Stirling İNGİLTERE
48- Charles Darwin University AVUSTRALYA
49- National Sun Yat-Sen University TAYVAN
50- University of Tsukuba JAPONYA
51- Koç Üniversitesi TÜRKİYE
51- Umeå University İSVEÇ
51- University of Crete YUNANİSTAN
54- Ruhr University Bochum ALMANYA
55- University of Eastern Finland FİNLANDİYA
56- University of Western Sydney AVUSTRALYA
57- Aalborg University DANİMARKA
57- Bielefeld University ALMANYA
59- George Mason University ABD
59- Linköping University İSVEÇ
59- University of Duisburg-Essen ALMANYA
59- University of Marrakech Cadi Ayyad FAS